Musashi Beta Alanine is an amino acid which may assist with performance

100% Beta Alanine 96g Musashi

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What it does:

Musashi 100% Beta Alanine is an amino acid which may assist with performance.

Musashi Beta-Alanine is an amino acid widely used to support endurance and strength training goals.

  • 100% Beta-Alanine
  • Lactic acid buffer 
  • Building block of carnosine

Beta-alanine is the building block of carnosine, a molecule that acts to buffer acid in muscles. Use Musashi Beta-Alanine to fuel your training and take your performance to the next level.

Beta-Alanine is a precursor for intramuscular carnosine which buffers muscle acids. High intensity exercise can lead to acid accumulation inside working muscles resulting in muscle burn, which can contribute to the onset of fatigue.

Musashi 100% Beta-Alanine is designed to support high intensity traning in endurance, team and strength athletes.

What is in it?

  • Beta Alanine (100%)

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