SuperFeast I Am Gaia Women's Blend 250g Hormones, Menstrual Health supports women's health and healing, menstrual cycle, fertility & lubrication, tonifies blood, relieves dysmenorrhoea

I Am Gaia 250g SuperFeast

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What it does:

SuperFeast I Am Gaia Women's Blend - Hormones, Menstrual Health is a tonic herbal multivitamin formulated with SuperFeast's favourite Taoist herbs for supporting women's health and healing. SuperFeast I Am Gaia blends the most revered women’s herbs used in Chinese medicine to nourish and replenish Blood and support a healthy menstrual cycle.

Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to:

  • Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish Blood
  • Maintain/support/regulate healthy menstrual cycle
  • Reduce/relieve menstruation pain/dysmenorrhoea

The SuperFeast I Am Gaia blend celebrates women and their right to thrive in flowing, abundant health. All women; from the young to the young at heart. As a formula, I Am Gaia is a collection of the Orient’s most potent and revered tonic herbs, those traditionally used to invigorate and sustain feminine health.

SuperFeast I Am Gaia tends to the foundational roots of a woman's health, offering deep nourishment to the body, mind and spirit. Tonifying the organs on both a physical and energetic level, building and moving of the blood via the Liver, Spleen, Heart and Kidneys, regulating hormones, menstruation, fertility and increasing lubrication.

In ancient Taoist medicine, tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms were used to nourish and tonify specific Organ systems within the body. These Organ systems correlate with the natural elements, and their direct effect can be classified as either Major or Minor.

  • Major | Kidney Water | Liver Wood | Spleen Earth | Heart Fire
  • Minor | Lung Metal

When there is harmony between the body systems and elements, we cultivate the expression of health known as our Treasures.

  • Major | Yin Jing | Blood | Qi
    Minor | Shen

Adults, mix 1.2g in 250ml warm water & drink immediately. Take three times a day. Works well in hot or cold drinks, broths and meals.

What is in it?

10:1 extract powders

  • Angelica polymorpha (Angelica Root) from dry root 2g 200mg
  • Asparagus cochinchinensis (Asparagus root) from dry root 2g 200mg
  • Rehmannia glutinosa (prepared Rehmannia) from dry rhizome 2g 200mg
  • Wolfiporia cocos (Poria Mushroom) from dry fruiting body 2g 200mg
  • Lycium barbarum (Goji Berry) from dry fruit 1g 100mg
  • Paeonia lactiflora (White Peony) from dry root 1g 100mg
  • Schisandra chinensis (Schisandra Berry) from dry fruit 1g 100mg
  • Ziziphus jujuba (Jujube) from dry fruit 1g 100mg

Contraindicated in cases of diarrhea due to Spleen deficiency. Best taken in combination with QI blend (or take QI first, then Gaia) in these cases

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